⚠️ Security note: Changes to the domain can result in your current sites being unavailable for a short time. We therefore recommend that you always purchase a new domain or use a subdomain for your Onepage sites.
Step 1: Purchase a domain.
Register with a domain provider such as Namecheap or GoDaddy and purchase your custom domain.
Step 2: Open the domain settings in Onepage.
Log in to Onepage and select your project.
Go to Settings ➡️ Site Settings ➡️ Domain-Settings.
Step 3: Add your domain.
Click on “Transfer domain” and enter your domain.
📌 Please note: only use lower case letters.
❗️ Important: Please enter the domain with the subdomain prefix.
Correct example: www.deinedomain.de
Incorrect example: deinedomain.de
Step 4: Select the option “via CNAME-record”.
In the pop-up window, please select the option “Via CNAME-record”.
Step 5: Save the domain in Onepage.
Please save the domain entry in Onepage by clicking on “Check” ➡️ “OK, understood”.
Then please refresh Onepage and the domain will be displayed:
Step 6: Create a CNAME entry with the domain provider.
Then log in to your domain provider and create a CNAME record with the following values in the DNS administration:
Value / Target / Content:
Please use the exact value provided in the box below:
Hostname / Name / Prefix:
The host name “@” is required here to connect the main domain.
Many domain providers do not accept the hostname “@”, so many Onepage users add “www”. This means that you connect a subdomain with the beginning “www.” through the CNAME record (which looks like a main domain). It is also important to add the domain with “www.” at the beginning in Onepage.
If you want to connect another subdomain, please add the prefix of the desired subdomain, instead of the “www.” or “@”.
Remaining values
You can leave the other values for the CNAME record at the default setting, for example “TTL”.
Warning: The domain connection process can take between 10 minutes and 24 hours!
Frequently asked questions and solutions
The CNAME entry cannot be created in the domain provider
The CNAME entry cannot be created in the domain provider
There may be already another CNAME or A-Record that uses the same host name. In this case, please deactivate it or delete it.
No SSL certificate is generated for the connected domain
No SSL certificate is generated for the connected domain
If you have decided on a hostname different than “@”, check whether you have also added the domain with that prefix in Onepage.
For example, if you connected a subdomain with www, then you must also add the domain in Onepage with www in the front.
The connection does not work at all
The connection does not work at all
Please check whether there are spelling mistakes in the CNAME record and whether you have not mixed up the "hostname" and "content". If you cannot find the problem, please contact our support team via the live chat at the bottom right in Onepage.
The domain without www does not work
The domain without www does not work
It can happen that the domain without www does not work, since you connected a subdomain with www in the front. In this case, you need to add a forwarding rule in the DNS settings of your domain provider which will automatically forward the people who access the domain without www to the domain with www.
Additional details on how to configure this forwarding rule can be obtained from the domain provider. (Example: GoDaddy, Strato, Namecheap etc)
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