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Changing the date range on your Dashboard
Changing the date range on your Dashboard
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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

The date range on the Dashboard will determine how much data is shown for your own stats or the selected user you are viewing. By default, your date range is set to 'This Week'. This will always be the current week that you're in, but you can easily change this to larger or smaller timeframes.

Changing the date range will not alter the timeframe for your missions or leagues.

Active missions and leagues are shown on the dashboard regardless of the date range set.

Changing the date range

The date range can be changed by using the date dropdown at the top right of the dashboard (see image above). This box can be identified by the small calendar icon next to it. When clicked, you have two options for changing the date:

  • Right-hand menu with pre-configured time periods

  • Custom date picker component

Only one of these options can be used at a time - either the date range is set from the options in the list, or from input into the custom calendar.

Custom Date Picker

Using the custom date picker allows you to be specific with the date range you wish to select. Select a start and end date using the calendar and then update your date range by clicking the Apply button.

Struggling to select a start date? Identify the start date you wish to select and click it twice. This will set the start date to be the date selected.

Want to change the default date range?

Check out this helpdesk article on how to change the default date range on your Dashboard.


If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat system or email

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