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My CloudCall integration has disconnected
My CloudCall integration has disconnected

Reconnect your CloudCall integration if you see a pop-up notification notifying you that it has disconnected

Carly Probert avatar
Written by Carly Probert
Updated over a week ago

If you see the following message pop up in the middle of any page of OneUp, follow these steps to reconnect your integration.

Locating your Administrator login details

To connect CloudCall, OneUp requires very specific master login credentials. CloudCall refer to these as Administrator login details.

They can be found by

  1. logging into your CloudCall portal,

  2. going to Profile -> Administrator from the sidebar on the left,

  3. and finding the email and password on the right side of the page.

The account here will connect OneUp to CloudCall.

If you cannot find the Administrator option in the list, you may not have permission to view this menu, or you are using a newer version of CloudCall. Please contact support using the in-app chat if this is the case.

Once the steps in the previous section have been followed, in order to ensure you have the correct details, it's a good idea to try using them to log into CloudCall.

If the details log you in successfully, they're correct, and you can move on to the next section below.

If you received a message stating the credentials are incorrect, we strongly recommend resetting the Administrator password, or contacting CloudCall support to ensure these details are the ones you expect.

Once you've been able to log in to CloudCall with the Administrator details, move on to the next section.

Reconnecting your integration

These steps require you, by default, to have Admin permissions on OneUp.

If the pop-up window is still visible in OneUp:

  1. From any page on OneUp, click the Update Now button in the pop-up window.

  2. You should see the following page, with some details already filled in:

  3. Do not change the Customer Region.

  4. In the Customer Login box, enter or replace the email address with the latest administrator login email on CloudCall.
    CloudCall log-in details are case sensitive and your email address must be entered exactly as it appears in CloudCall.

  5. In the Password box, enter the password for the administrator login details on CloudCall.

  6. Do not change the License Key.

  7. Click Reconnect CloudCall.

If the pop-up window is no longer visible:

  1. From any page on OneUp, navigate to the kebab menu at the top right of OneUp, select Integrations, then click the arrow next to the affected CloudCall integration.

  2. Click the Connection tab on the left hand side of the page.

  3. You should see the following page, with some details already filled in:

  4. Do not change the Customer Region.

  5. In the Customer Login box, enter or replace the email address with the latest administrator login email on CloudCall.
    CloudCall log-in details are case sensitive and your email address must be entered exactly as it appears in CloudCall.

  6. In the Password box, enter the password for the administrator login details on CloudCall.

  7. Do not change the License Key.

  8. Click Reconnect CloudCall.

Once successfully reconnected, OneUp will retrieve any data missed during the period of disconnection. The time to retrieve this data can vary depending on how long the integration has been disconnected for.


If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat system or email

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