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How to change the month your business year starts
How to change the month your business year starts

You may run your financial year from April to April, while other may stick to January to December. Follow these steps to switch yours up...

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over a month ago

Any changes made to the year start setting are applied to all users on OneUp. Consult a senior member of your team to get approval before following these steps.

  1. To start, go to Settings (under the Profile icon on the right of the navigation), then Settings again to bring up a new page.

  2. From this page, scroll down to see the Year Start dropdown menu. Select the month you would like your year to start, and click Save on the bottom right.

  3. Once this is changed it will be reflected when you select 'This Year' as the date range on the Dashboard and Matrix.

Troubleshooting โœจ

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