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Custom Automations Permissions
Custom Automations Permissions

Understand what you can do as the automation's owner, how to transfer ownership or request ownership to perform management actions

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over a month ago

πŸ”’ Permissions: automation owner

Every custom automation has an owner: the person that has set up the automation. Only the owner of a custom automation can:

If you're not the owner of automation, you can view it only. You won't be able to take any management actions.

Use the request ownership functionality to change this.

πŸ“£ The email report automation stage uses the automation owner's data access to determine what data to include in the exported report.

➑️ Transfer ownership

As the owner, you can transfer ownership to another individual so that they can manage the automation instead:

  1. Navigate to the automation you want to transfer

    Go to Manage in the main navigation menu and select Custom automations. Locate the automation you would like to transfer and select it to open the automation.

  2. Select the transfer ownership option, found under the settings icon in the top right.

  3. Select who you'd like to transfer the automation to.

    transfer ownership modal

  4. Select transfer.

That's it! The new owner will now have full access to make changes and manage the automation.

⚠️ Once an automation has been transferred to a new owner it will be automatically disabled until the new owner enables it. You'll no longer be able to manage the automation.

πŸ“§ The new owner of the automation will receive an email when the automation has been transferred.

⬅️ Request ownership

If you're not the owner of the automation, you can still request it to be transferred to you:

  1. Navigate to the automation you would like ownership of and select it to open it.

  2. Select the request ownership option, found under the settings icon in the top right.

    request ownership under settings icon in top right of automation

Once the ownership of an automation has been requested the current owner will receive an email. They must confirm that you are authorised to be the new owner of the automation by following the link in the email.

πŸ“§ You will receive an email when an automation has been transferred to you

Troubleshooting ✨

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat. We'll be happy to help! πŸ’™

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