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How to use a Target Template
How to use a Target Template

Create new targets quickly using a target template

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over 7 months ago

Target templates are a great way to save some time by applying multiple targets to several users in just a few clicks.

A classic use case for this would be setting up a template for new starters at the business - you can easily give multiple new starters a set of targets to reach during their introductory period.

In this article, you'll learn how to create target templates and use them when creating targets.

Creating target templates

The targets homepage showing users targets. There is a red arrow pointing out the 'Manage target templates' button in the action bar

If you don't have any existing templates, you can create one by clicking the Manage target templates option at the top right of the Targets page.

Creating a template will save

  • The metric(s) chosen for a given target or targets,

  • and the value of the target(s).

Templates do not save users/teams/companies or date ranges - this is to allow you to define the users and time period for these targets at the point of using the template.

You can also create a template from the +Add Target page. Just click the Create Template button once you're happy with the targets you've set up.

Assigning targets from a target template

1. On the Targets page, click the + Add Target button in the top right.

2. Click Use Template underneath the blank target box.

The create target page which is part of the target creation flow. The image shows the 'Use template' button pointed to by a red arrow

3. Tick the checkboxes next to the templates you would like to use. When you've selected all the templates you need, click Use template.

A modal showing a target template selected with a checkbox

4. The targets in your templates will be imported into the create table to allow for any small adjustments that you'd like to make before saving them.

Tips πŸ’‘

  • If you're using a template for multiple users, you can update multiple rows of targets at the same time from the multi-select menu that appears when you select one or more rows during the target creation step. For example, this is very useful for quickly adding a few users to a lot of targets at once, saving a lot of clicking! When you've made your edits, click Save in the pop-out box to apply them.

Troubleshooting ✨

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat. We'll be happy to help! πŸ’™

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