Managing Leagues: Overview
Find all Leagues available to you on the Leagues page, under Competitions in the main navigation menu:
Active Leagues
Leagues that have met their start date, but have not yet ended. They are live!
Upcoming Leagues
Leagues that have a start date in the future.
Ended Leagues
Leagues that have met their end date.
Making changes to an existing League
Select the settings icon on the right, and then Edit.
Alternatively, make changes when on the specific League's page, by selecting Edit on the right.
Editing a League takes you through the League set-up flow, where you can make any changes.
โ ๏ธ You are not able to make changes to competitions that have already ended. A way around this is to copy a competition, and make the required changes there.
Be sure to save these.
Deleting a League
Simply select the settings icon on the right, and then Delete.
You'll also find the delete icon in the Drafts area, as well as when on the specific League's page:
Copying a League
For a more efficient way of setting up a League that is identical to an old League, use the duplicate functionality to copy an existing League.
๐ฎ We'll be adding the ability to set up recurring competitions soon, making this process even more efficient!
Troubleshooting โจ
If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat system or email