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Managing reports

View, amend, share, favourite and delete your saved reports

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over 7 months ago

Access saved reports in the Report Manager, the one-stop home for all your reports.

Select Report Manager under Reports in the main navigation menu to get here. You can then jump into saved reports, make changes to reports, as well as share these with team members.

Find most management actions by selecting the edit icon on the far right of each report:

Explore some of the options available to you below:

Access your reports

Simply select the report you’re after to open it up. Use the search bar if you have a long list of reports available to you, or better yet, favourite the report for quick access.

Favourite reports

Favourite your report by clicking the star to the left of its name, or by selecting the edit icon on the right of the screen, and then the favourite toggle.

This will keep your reports in the Favourite area (found in the left sidebar on the Report Manager page), for easy access. If you have a report that you use regularly, we recommend favouriting it.

Duplicate reports

Duplicate a report to easily create an additional report, using the original as a template. This is useful if you'd like to set up reports on similar metrics, but for different time periods, or looking at different teams.

Share reports

Share reports with your team members. Search for individuals to share the report with.

Transfer ownership

If you have created a report for someone else and do not need this report available to you, you can transfer ownership to other individuals. Note that you will lose the ability to view and edit this report.

To transfer ownership, open the report, and then select Share from the top of the report page. Finally, select Transfer Ownership.

Delete reports

Delete reports by selecting the edit icon on the far right, and then delete.

Double check you’ve selected the right report before you go ahead. Deleting reports is irreversible.

Make changes to an existing report

You may need to make changes to who you are reporting on, what you are reporting on or the time period. As the owner of a report you can do so at any point.

To do so, navigate to the report via the Report Manager and select the report to open it up.

Selecting Save will overwrite your existing report.

If you want to save the report as a copy and not overwrite the original, duplicate the report and then make your changes.


If you're not the owner of the report, you won't be able to make changes to the report itself (master version), but you will be able to save as, and create a copy of the report with your changes. Consider asking the owner to transfer ownership to you if you need to make changes to the master version of the report.

Change who you are reporting on

Simply select the settings cog icon next to who you are reporting on (i.e., the first column, in your report). Here you can change who you are reporting on (for example, from specific teams to specific users), or you can filter the teams or individuals selected. You may want to do this if for example, as a manager you have set up a report showing a single team's data, but now have a new team you're managing that you would also like to include.

image showing settings icon in first column heading


Want to remove or add deleted or observer users from your report? We've got you. Select the customize view option on the right, and then change the toggle. Showing only full user performance will remove observer and deleted users with performance data during the timeframe selected.

Change what you are reporting on

To change an existing metric or field, select the settings cog icon, next to the column heading.

screenshot showing editing a column that is a metric using the settings cog icon next to the title in the column

Options here include removing the metric, duplicating the metric, changing the metric itself to a different one or a user profile field, as well as changing metric values (e.g., to average) or filtering the performance data displayed.

Troubleshooting ✨

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat. We'll be happy to help! 💙

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