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Written by OneUp Customer Success
Updated over 7 months ago

Our approach to feature development for reporting

We hope you’re enjoying all the features we’ve been rolling out; we’re always working to make your experience even better.

Carry on reading to find out more detail on what’s coming next for reporting. We’re committed to enhancing our reporting and analytics, so that you don’t need to be a data expert to harness the power of your data, and so it’s intuitive to use.

We listen to your feedback, whether that’s through usability testing sessions, or through customer support and customer success; any feedback you give us finds its way to the product team. We analyse this and incorporate it into our roadmap.

Performance Analytics: What's new?

What is it?



Report on last activity

You can now report on last activity against metrics. The last activity date is based on the timestamp when that latest performance was recorded against the metric. E.g., if a CV was sent yesterday, 'last CV sent' will display 'yesterday'.

Released 🚢

Drag and drop rows and table interactivity

The ability to drag and drop and reorder metrics on the report table itself, for a better user experience. We've listened to your feedback and have also added the ability to drag and drop rows.

Released 🚢

Min/Max/Averages for teams and companies

We've made improvements to our calculations and aggregations, meaning we've introduced min/max and averages for teams and companies

Released 🚢

Report Manager: Owner and last updated added

We've added the owner of the report and the date it was last updated to the Report Manager.

Released 🚢

User profile fields

You can now add user profile fields into your table, as well as metrics. This provides you with more ways to sort the data individually, or within teams. (e.g., start date, job role, job title).

Released 🚢

Filter numeric data to a specific performance value

You're now able to filter your numeric data to specific values (e.g., Interviews booked = 10)

Released 🚢

Reporting UI change

We've removed the left bar within the report (which previously included what you were reporting on and your metric selection). The goal was to make it simpler, by allowing you to make all your selections and changes in the table itself, similar to the matrix.

Released 🚢

❗ New product: Performance Insights

This will enable reporting by clients, jobs, placements and candidates. Go beyond just tracking your data and understand where to focus time and resources to drive results.

Released 🚢

Coming soon

Find out what our team is working on now, and what they'll pick up next.

Filter data by other properties

Ability to filter the data by different properties, such as: smaller than, larger than.


Data visualization: display performance report data as charts

We’ll be adding charts to bring the numbers to life.


Coming later

Report templates

We’ll be adding pre-built templates that you can customise. These are based on the most common reports utilised by thousands of recruiters.

They’ll save you time if you’re not sure where to start with report creation, or don’t want to start from a blank canvas.


Release log (past releases)

Select all for users and teams

We listened to your feedback and have now introduced select all filters, to make it easier for you to select everyone, except a few individuals or teams.

Released 🚢

User avatars (report table)

We've added user avatars in the report table.



Column resizing (report table)

As a direct response to your feedback, you can now resize columns within the reports.



View percentage target

Users can now choose to show % performance against target. To enable this, view a metric with a target and select "Show % of target" under customise view.

Released 🚢

A new date-picker and filter panel

We’ve released a new version of our date-picker and filter panel, following your feedback. The new date picker makes it easier to select date ranges and split by periods of time, and you can now apply filters with ease.



Exports enhancement - targets visible

Targets are being added to all exports, as separate columns, including target colour.

Released 🚢

Filter users by team

When viewing users, we’ll add the ability to filter the users by team.



Report UI improvements

We’ll be making report titles in the Report Manager clickable, adding the ability to resize columns in the report, as well as improving the navigation experience as a whole.



Filter for deleted and non-billing users

We’re adding deleted and non-billing/observer users to the filters, so that you can exclude these from the data presented.



Data insights for teams and companies

Data insights will be available when viewing both team and company level data, enabling you to drill into performance.



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