Personal Dashboard
An essential for your users to see their personal targets, pipeline activities, and any competitions or incentives that they are part of. You may wish you have a different Dashboard view set up for each role in the business, such as BDR/SDR's, AE's and AM/CSM's.
Top Tip: Managers can create a Dashboard view to be shared with all members of their team and set as default, so that their team are viewing their activity in a standardised format relevant to their role and key focus areas.
Team Manager Dashboard
Great for having a high level view of how your team is doing as a whole, and you can even include widgets to show you how each member of your team is performing individually on your most important metric(s). You can customise this further by having a different team manager Dashboard for each team you have.
Company Dashboard
A must for directors to get a birds-eye view on what’s going on within the business. Look at high-level KPIs, conversions and revenue.
Conversion Dashboard
To see what good looks like, why not have a Dashboard specifically looking at conversions? This is great to quickly see how your company is doing as a whole when it comes to translating activities to results, with a breakdown of each team's performance included too.
Multi-Office Dashboards
If your business has offices in different locations, why not create a Dashboard view for each office? For example, a UK Office Dashboard and a US Office Dashboard.
Learn how to configure your Dashboards here!