The "Enrollment" tab on the "View Student Data" page in jmc consolidates all student enrollment information into one location, making it easier to review critical details shared with the Iowa Department of Education during SRI data collection. This centralized tab simplifies verifying and managing enrollment data collected through add, drop, and re-enter procedures, helping maintain accuracy in state reporting and reducing data entry errors.
Editing Student Enrollment Data
As a best practice, student enrollment data should be entered through the New Student Wizard, Add Student, Drop Student, and Re-Enter Student processes to maintain complete and accurate SRI reporting. However, in some cases, you may need to edit or manually exclude a student from SRI directly in the "Enrollment" tab—this should only be done if instructed by jmc tech support or the Iowa Department of Education to ensure accurate state reportable records.
"Edit" button: a rarely used option for modifying details within a student's enrollment record
"Delete" button: a rarely used option for removing an incorrectly created enrollment record
"Include in SRI" checkbox: a method for manually indicating whether a student should or should not be included in SRI reporting
Entry or Exit Data
When a student begins, exits, or transitions in a special education program, their entry and exit data must be recorded to ensure a complete enrollment record. Students with multiple enrollments in the same school year or those with special education status changes will have multiple enrollment records, each requiring entry and exit data.
Entry Date: the beginning date of an enrollment period for a student that is new to a district, one that is returning for an additional span of enrollment or a student that has had a special education status change
Entry Code and Entry Type: the state-defined reason for a new enrollment record
FTE (Full Time Equivalency): the portion of time a student is enrolled compared to the total school year
Exit Date: the last day of a student’s enrollment or the end of a special education status
Exit Code: the state-defined reason for ending an enrollment record
Enrollment Data Elements
Student data required for SRI reporting is collected during add, drop, and re-entry processes in jmc and stored in the Enrollment Record. Below are the key fields used for state reporting:
Res Dist (Resident District): the numeric code for the student's home district
Res County (Resident County): the numeric code for the student’s home county
Acct Dist (Accountable District): the state-assigned code for nonpublic school enrollments
NonpubSch# (Nonpublic School Number): the state-assigned school code for nonpublic enrollments
Jr-Sr Rule: checkbox indicating continued enrollment under Iowa's junior/senior rule
Fstr Care (Foster Care Status): an indication of foster care and residency status tied to school funding
Dest Code (Destination Code): state-defined code for students transferring to another district
Dest Loc (Destination Location): numeric code indicating the destination location for a student exiting your school to attend another district
School of Origin: identifies students receiving McKinney-Vento transportation services
CPI Dual: identifies home-school students and their requested district services
Special Education Data Elements
Students in your school that are receiving special education services, students with specified legal circumstances or students receiving corrective services may require additional state reportable elements to ensure a complete enrollment record. In Iowa, students that undergo a special education status change during the school year (such as a placement or an exit from a program) require multiple enrollment records to account for the change in service.
S/F Type (Service/Facility Type): numeric code indicating where the student receives educational services
Serv Prov/Fac (Service Provider/Facility): a state assigned code for the facility in which the student resides or the location where the student receives the majority of educational services
IEP Level: the level of special education services a student receives
Rec Ed Services (Received Educational Services): code indicating whether an expelled IEP student is receiving educational services from the district