No matter your school's grading scale—A-F, 1-4, or pass/fail—you can easily align it with state-recognized grade values in jmc. On the 'Edit Grade Values' page, simply assign a state-defined grade value to your existing grades, and jmc will automatically include them in Ed-Fi reporting when linked to a student's course grade. Easily integrate state-recognized grade values into your school's grading and Ed-Fi processes for hassle-free state reporting.
In jmc Office, head to Grading > Utilities > Edit Grade Values to associate Minnesota recognized course grade values to the grade values used by your school.
Step One: Click the "Edit" link next to a "Grade Name" to edit a grade's attributes.
Step Two: Select the appropriate grade value from the "State Reporting Grade" drop-down list to associate an equivalent state reporting grade with the grade value used by your school.
Helpful Tip: Consult the Minnesota Department of Education if you are unsure of which state reporting grade to associate with your school's course grade option.
Step Three: Click the "Update" link to save your changes or click the "Cancel" link to discard them.
Step Four: Repeat steps one through three for all grade values used by your school to complete the process.