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jmc release news: New Family Enrollment edition
jmc release news: New Family Enrollment edition

In this 2/28/25 batch of release news, we highlight new and improved features of New Family Enrollment to further streamline registration.

Samantha Delvo avatar
Written by Samantha Delvo
Updated over a week ago

New Features:

✅ Use the new logo uploader for a touch of school spirit that will get parents and guardians excited about the possibility of being accepted into your district.

✅ You can now customize the welcome message to clarify enrollment instructions and set the parent or guardian up for registration success.

To access both of the above new features, go to “Enrollment Forms” and then “Family Enrollment Settings” in jmc Office.

New Features:

✅ Enrollment is set up more like a step-by-step that guides the parent/guardian through the application. For detailed instructions on submitting enrollment information, you can point new families to this jmc Help Center article.

✅ The development team has added an interactive progress bar at the top of the screen to let the parent or guardian know where they are in the enrollment application.

✅ We have marked required fields with an asterisk denoting that the parent/guardian must complete them in order to move to the next enrollment step.


✅ In order to turn on New Family Enrollment for families, you must provide content for the following email messages by navigating to “Enrollment Forms” and then “Family Enrollment Settings” in jmc Office:

  • Application Submission Message: Parents and guardians receive this message as soon as their application is successfully submitted. It’s a great opportunity to provide clear next steps in the enrollment process.

  • Rejected Application Message: When you reject an enrollment application, this email is sent to the parent or guardian. We recommend including guidance and support for moving forward in the message.

  • Accepted Application Message: Once you accept an application, the parent or guardian automatically receives this email letting them know the good news.

Fun Fact: Acceptance of an application triggers an email to the parent/guardian detailing access to their jmc Family account, so that they can check-in on their child’s performance and more from day one.


✅ The parent or guardian must provide at least one phone number per emergency contact. By requiring this info upfront, your office won’t have to track it down at a later date.

✅ Parents/guardians can add up to two email addresses and phone numbers for each emergency contact, boosting communication when it’s needed most.

Fun Fact: Instead of having to provide info that all siblings share for each of their children, like emergency contacts, new families only have to enter that information one time throughout the application.


✅ New checkboxes allow you to gather vital info early on in the enrollment process, ensuring new students get the support needed for a safe and successful school year. Those boxes tell you whether the student:

  • Has had a 504 plan

  • Received special education services (IEP)

  • Participated in a gifted/talented program

  • Needed bussing

  • Was previously enrolled in the district

Fun Fact: The enrollment application includes a field where parents/guardians can add in additional info about their child(ren) to help your office gain a better understanding of their needs.

New features:

✅ Before families can submit their application to your office, they are prompted to review all of the info they provided to make sure it’s correct and can be edited as needed.

District-specific info that used to be shown on-screen to the family once they submitted their application is now instead automatically sent to them via email for easy access.


✅ A ‘High Five’ dialog lets parents/guardians know that the application has been successfully submitted for review and that they’ll be contacted shortly with next steps. Speaking of review, check out this jmc Help Center article on accepting and rejecting new family contact and student info.

✅ Parents and guardians also now have the option to download or print their application for safekeeping.

Download New Family Enrollment update 02/28/25. Please note that some features may not be available for all districts.

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