To simplify the online registration process for families, jmc Office offers district-wide registration settings that allow you to customize on-screen prompts and grant family access to important student data elements. By providing clear instructions on what tasks need to be completed before the start of the school year, you can help families navigate the registration process with ease. Customizing your online registration settings can also streamline the process for collecting student information, saving time and effort for both your office and families.
In jmc Office log into a building and head to jmc Family > Online Registration > Setup > Configuration Options to begin customizing online registration settings.
Step One: Click the "Click to expand District Settings" link to view all settings.
Step Two: Click the "Click to expand Start Instructions for Families Settings" link to view the message displayed on the "Instructions" tab that begins the registration process in jmc Family.
Step Three: Enter instructions for families in the “District-wide Start Instructions for Families” field to direct families on how to proceed with the the online registration process.
Fun Fact: Add a little pizzazz to your instructions using the formatting tools. Font, weight, size, the sky's the limit! Even insert a link by using the globe icon.
Step Four: Click the "Click to expand Finish Instructions for Families Settings" link to view the message displayed on the "Finished" tab as families conclude the online registration process in jmc Family.
Step Five: Enter instructions in the “District-wide Finish Instructions for Families” field to communicate any next steps as families finish entering online registration information.
Step Six: Click the "Click to expand Family Permissions Settings" link to view the District-wide Family Permissions settings.
Step Seven: Place a checkmark in the “Allow Parents/Contacts to submit Parent/Contact Information and turn on the Registration Process” checkbox to allow families access to Online Registration in jmc Family.
Step Eight: Place a checkmark in the “Allow Parents/Contacts to view Parent/Contact Information” checkbox to permit families to view and edit their contact information.
Step Nine (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Allow Parents/Contacts to answer Digital Equity (Remote Learning) Questions" checkbox if applicable to include a digital equity questionnaire as part of the online registration process.
Helpful Tip: Check with your state's department of education requirements for guidance on including the digital equity questionnaire as part of online registration.
Step Ten: Click the "Click to expand Application for Educational Benefits Settings" link to view the District-wide free and reduced meals application information settings.
Step Eleven: Place a checkmark in the “Allow Parents/Contacts to access online Application for Educational Benefits” checkbox to allow families to submit an application for free and reduced meals online.
Step Twelve: Click the "Save" button to save your district settings changes.
Helpful Tip: Click the "Click to Collapse District Settings" link to hide your
district settings for easier navigation before moving on to your building settings.
Next, learn more about Customizing building online registration settings.