Sometimes it's necessary to create a new section for a course and move students to the new course. Doing this one student at a time would take a bit of time so fortunately, jmc has a way to do this in just a few steps using the copy/move students feature.
Additionally, students can be moved into a course based upon what courses they took last year, which is a great timesaver when placing large numbers of students into courses such as Band or Choir.
Let's go to Schedules > Develop > Move Students in jmc Office and discover your options to help get your schedules built.
Step One: Select an action from the "Action" drop-down list to control how student schedules are affected.
Move Students to a different section: bulk move a group of students from one-course section to another, removing them from the original section
Copy Students into another section: bulk copy a group of students into a different course section but also leave them in the current section
Fun Fact: When you select the "Copy Students into another section" action, you are given the additional option to select a year. Use this to copy a specific class list from a course in the previous school year to a course in the current year (for example last year's Algebra course to this year's Algebra 2 course).
Step Two: Select the course containing the students you want to copy or move using the "Course" drop-down list in the "Original Section".
Step Three: Select the section containing the students you want to copy or move using the "Section" drop-down list in the "Original Section".
Helpful Tip: The "Section" drop-down list also has an "Unscheduled Students" option which includes students in the course but not in any of the course sections.
Step Four: Select the course to copy or move students to using the "Course" drop-down list in the "Destination Section".
Step Five: Select the section to copy or move students to using the "Section" drop-down list in the "Destination Section".
Helpful Tip: If the student's schedule is locked on Edit > Schedules the student will not be moved.
Step Six: Click the "Prepare to Move/Copy" button to view a confirmation of your move or copy selection.
Step Seven: Click the "Proceed" button to perform the move/copy or click the "Cancel" button to discard your changes.
Fun Fact: Upon completing this task, a message will appear with the number of students successfully updated.