Need a handy list of the courses you have entered in jmc? Log in to jmc Office to run a Course Data List highlighting course schedule information, course grading information, course teacher information, and more! Review current courses to make sure your course catalog is up-to-date for the upcoming scheduling season or for a more detailed perusal, export the data to review later!
To view or print a course data list, log in to jmc Office and go to Schedules > Course > Course Data List.
Step One: Select a radio button next to one of the following options to include the corresponding information in your course data list:
"Course Number and Name": the simplest view of the course data list includes the jmc Internal number, the displayed number and course name
"Course Number and Name - expanded": includes SCED codes, delivery method and additional course information
"Course Schedule Info": view the term, period, section and course enrollment, teacher, room number and additional scheduling information
"Course Schedule Constraints": lists all constraints attached to the course such as possible terms and periods
"Course Grading Info": includes the grading weight, grading scheme, and additional grading information
"Course Teacher Info": see the teachers associated with the course
Step Two (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Only Include Courses With Students Enrolled" checkbox to view only courses with students currently enrolled, or leave the checkbox empty to view all existing courses in your database.
Helpful Tip: Only including courses with students enrolled to review your course list at the end of the scheduling process to ensure all courses have been properly scheduled.
Step Three: Select the "Course Number" or "Course Name" radio button in the "Sort By" box to sort the report.
Step Four: Select the "Ascending" or "Descending" radio button in the "Order By"
box to sort the report in ascending or descending order.
Step Five: Click the "Preview" button to view the course data list.
Step Six: Click the "Print" button to print a PDF copy of the report for future reference or click one of the export buttons to export course data to a CSV file.
Create Course Export: export course name, number, weight, term type, and other course-level data
Create Sections Export: export course name, number, section number, teacher, room number, delivery method, and other section-level data
Create Teacher Sections Export: export a summary of teacher section data
Helpful Tip: Printing a copy of your course list will allow you to quickly identify available courses numbers and map out where new courses will fit.