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Setting Up Course Prerequisites in jmc Office
Setting Up Course Prerequisites in jmc Office

Set students up for success by defining prerequisites for advanced and sequential courses.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a month ago

Course prerequisites in jmc help students build a strong academic foundation by requiring essential coursework before advancing. Administrators and schedulers can easily set prerequisites to place students in courses that match their readiness level, supporting their success. By streamlining enrollment and reducing scheduling errors, prerequisites simplify the scheduling process and ensure students are enrolled in the right courses at the right time.

Begin editing course prerequisites by logging in to jmc Office and heading to Schedules > Prerequisites > Edit Prerequisites.

Step One: Select a course from the "Course" drop-down list to begin adding its prerequisites.

Step Two: Select a school year from the "Transcript Year" drop-down list to find and add courses from that year's course catalog to the prerequisite list.

Helpful Tip: Since prerequisite courses may have been taken during any prior high school year, you must specify each "Transcript Year" for each prerequisite course.

Step Three: Select a course name from the box on the left side of the page to add it to the prerequisite list.

Helpful Tip: To select multiple courses at once, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) while clicking each course. To deselect a course, hold the same key while clicking the course again.

Step Four: Click the "Add" button to add the selected course(s) to the prerequisite course list on the right side of the page.

Helpful Tip: To remove a prerequisite, click the course in the box on the right side of the page to highlight it, then click the "Remove" button to take it off the prerequisites list.

Step Five (optional): Select a course from the prerequisite list and use the '^^' (move to top), '^' (move up), 'v' (move down), or 'vv' (move to bottom) buttons to adjust its position or create prerequisite groupings based on the needs of the selected course.

Step Six: Repeat steps one through four to create prerequisites for all courses that require them.

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