Course prerequisites help students progress through coursework in a structured sequence so they are prepared for advanced or sequential classes. Once prerequisites are set on the "Edit Course Data" page in jmc Office, schedulers can quickly verify that students meet the necessary requirements before enrolling them in a course. This prevents students from taking coursework they aren’t ready for, allowing counselors and administrators to create accurate schedules that set students up for success while minimizing errors.
Setting up, managing, and reviewing course prerequisites in jmc Office simplifies scheduling, enhances student preparedness, and streamlines the enrollment process.
Editing course prerequisites
Setting up course prerequisites helps place students in courses that match their readiness level. This process helps streamline scheduling by identifying courses that require foundational knowledge, such as advanced-level classes.
Transcript Year: Specifies prerequisite courses from prior school years that must be completed before enrolling in a current-year course.
Creating a course prerequisites catalog
Guidance counselors can help students and families navigate their academic paths by building a course prerequisites catalog in jmc Office. Running a prerequisite report allows schools to list advanced courses along with the required prerequisite coursework students need to complete before enrolling.
Checking prerequisites
Prerequisite checks in jmc Office help confirm that students have the necessary background knowledge before enrolling in advanced courses. The following reports assist in identifying students who need additional support or scheduling adjustments:
Prerequisite Check for a Student: identifies students missing required prerequisites and highlights the specific courses they need to complete before advancing
Prerequisite Check Overview: provides a comprehensive list of students with insufficient prerequisites for at least one course, helping counselors and administrators quickly identify those in need of scheduling intervention