Creating student schedules can be challenging when individual needs don’t align with available courses. One solution is assigning students to a study hall, giving them time to stay on top of their coursework. With jmc’s 'Study Lists' report, staff can instantly identify which students are assigned to a study hall—eliminating guesswork, reducing manual tracking, and ensuring no student slips through the cracks.
To view study hall lists, log in to jmc Office and head to Schedules > Study > Study Lists.
Step One: Select a radio button for the appropriate term to create a study hall list for a specified term.
Step Two: Select a grade range in the "Grades" "From" and "To" drop-down lists to narrow the range of students on your study hall list.
Step Three: Select the period range using the "From" and "To" drop-down lists in the 'Periods' section to generate study hall lists for specific periods.
Step Four: Click the "Preview" button to create a study hall list of students who are not assigned to a course during a specific class period.
Step Five: Click the "Print" button to print a record of your study hall lists, or click the "Export" button to export the record to a CSV file.