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Scoring assignments in jmc Teacher
Scoring assignments in jmc Teacher

Teachers have a number of options to make assignment score entry quick and hassle-free.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

jmc Teacher goes beyond basic gradebook features, offering streamlined score entry by showing one assignment at a time, the ability to mark assignments as late, automatic calculation of grade percentages based on entered scores, improved communication with families through notes added to individual scores, and the option to publish comprehensive student progress reports for easy viewing in jmc Family, all with the convenience of checking on a student's progress with a single click.

After you have defined assignments in jmc Teacher, head to Scores > Assignment Scores to start recording scores and calculating student grades!

Step One: Select the course from the "Courses" drop-down list to begin editing scores for a specific class.

Fun Fact: Student names and assignment scores are conveniently presented in a grid view, with student names listed vertically on the left and assignments along the top, allowing you to view a significant amount of information at once.

  • A few helpful tips

    • Customize the assignment display order preference by going to File > Preferences. Choose to sort assignments by date or assignment category according to your preference.

    • Click a student's name link to access an overview of their progress in the course. This view provides the same information seen by students and families in their portals.

    • To access important demographic and health information about a student, simply click the icon(s) next to their name, enabling you to view and stay informed about essential details.

Step Two: Click a score field on a student row in an assignment column to select a student score to edit.

Step Three: Enter a numeric value with up to two decimal places or enter one of the following special score codes to score an assignment.

  • Exempt: an "X" exempts a student from the assignment

  • Pending: a "P" for the score means the assignment is pending and should not count against the student's grade calculation

  • Late Included: an "LI" score includes the late assignment as a zero in the student's class percentage

  • Late Exempt: an "LX" score will not count the late assignment against the student's percentage

  • Missing Included: an "MI" score includes the missing assignment as a zero in the student's class percentage

  • Missing Exempt: an “M” score will not count the missing assignment against the student's percentage

  • Handed In Exempt: an “HI” score will not count the assignment in the student's percentage but notes that the student did hand in the assignment

Fun fact: If you enter a numeric value that exceeds the maximum points possible for an assignment, a pop-up message will notify you with the message "You entered a score greater than the maximum score." Simply click the "OK" button, and you have two options: either adjust the score to fit within the maximum points or choose to keep the score as is, considering the extra points as extra credit.

Step Four: Click the "Publish" button to make scores and current grade percentages for the entire class viewable in jmc Student and jmc Family.

Helpful Tip: Click any of the Quick Links on the right side of the page to use the following options when scoring assignments:

  • Show One Student/Show All Students: toggle the scores view to show the entire class's scores and names or just show the selected student score and name. When showing one student at a time, use the "Student" drop-down list to change which student you are viewing.

  • Show One Assignment/Show All Assignments: toggle the scores view to show all assignments for the course or show one assignment at a time. When showing one assignment at a time, use the "Assignments" drop-down list to change the assignment you are viewing.

  • Edit Score Note: add a note to the selected score. An asterisk will appear next to scores with notes in jmc Teacher and will be viewable in jmc Student and jmc Family. Apply the note to the selected student or to all students by clicking the corresponding "This Student" or "All Students" button.

  • Fill Score Column: fill the entire column of scores with the value in the selected score. This is a huge timesaver if most or all students have the same score.

  • Import Student Scores From A Prior Section: move scores from a prior section into this section for a student who has changed sections of a course midway through a term.

  • Student Sort: customize the view order of students alphabetically or custom order.

  • Show/Hide Inactive Students: temporarily list or hide withdrawn students to review coursework completed prior to the student dropping the class.

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