Importing program history from the previous year generates program records for the current year, saving you the effort of updating each student's program records individually. This allows you to start the school year with up-to-date student records for state-sponsored programs such as "Career Education," "Early Childhood," and "504 Plans," all of which require annual tracking. Simplify your ADVISER state reporting by importing program history records in just a few clicks in jmc Office.
In jmc Office go to Nebraska > Program History > Import Program History from Prior Year to begin your import.
Step One: Enter the "Begin Date" or simply click the calendar icon to associate a starting date with the imported program history record.
Helpful Tip: Typically, the "Begin Date" for program re-entry is set as the first day of school for your district, but adjustments can be made on the "View Student Data" page for special cases involving individual students.
Step Two (optional): Enter an "End Date" (if the program end date is known) or simply click the calendar icon to associate an exit date with the imported program history record.
Step Three: Place a checkmark in the following program type checkbox(es) to import student records associated with the selected program(s) from the prior year:
Career Education: Career and Technical Education (CTE) information including career pathway, technical skill attainment and program participation level
Early Childhood: Early Childhood programs such as Head Start or School Readiness
Homeless: Information for programs providing services for homelessness
Rule 18: Interim program to make advancement toward graduation
Section 504: Services for students with disabilities
Title I Part A: Financial assistance to meet academic standards
Step Four: Click the "Import" button to execute program history import from the prior year.
Fun Fact: The “ProgHist” tab on "View Student Data" page will be highlighted yellow to help you quickly identify that records exist for that student.