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Configure Ed-Fi settings for WISEdata submissions
Configure Ed-Fi settings for WISEdata submissions

Reporting information to the Wisconsin DPI requires a simple connection between jmc Office and the WISEdata portal.

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over a week ago

The Wisconsin DPI uses the WISEdata portal to collect information from your school and Ed-Fi is the mechanism that makes the sharing of that data possible. On the "Administrator Options" page in jmc Office, update a few of the Ed-Fi settings to enable WISEdata access to your jmc database and submit your data to the DPI.

In jmc Office, head to the File > Administrator Options page and click the "Ed-Fi Settings" link in the "Ed-Fi Settings" box to configure Ed-Fi settings for WISEdata submissions.

Step One: Place a checkmark in the "Enable Ed-Fi Interchanges" checkbox to turn on the Ed-Fi integration.

Step Two: Place a checkmark in the "Enable Creating & Posting of Ed-Fi Special Education (SSEPA & SSEPEA) Resources" checkbox to allow WISEdata access to special education student information such as programs, entry dates, and exit dates.

Fun Fact: jmc Tech Support has entered the "API URL", "Authentication URL", "Identity URL", and "Immunizations URL" when setting up your database so please skip over these fields.

Step Three: Enter the Key and Secret obtained from DPI in the "Client Key" and "Client Secret" fields to securely establish your Ed-Fi connection.

Step Four: Select your school's reporting designation from the "Profile" drop-down list to specify the set of data that will be shared with the DPI.

  • Public: a state funded public school

  • Private Choice: a private school involved with the private school choice program

Step Five Select a range of students from the "Grades Resource/Endpoint Cutoff" drop-down list to set the students that are included in your WISEdata reporting.

Step Six: Select your preferred report detail level from the "Report Detail Level" drop-down list to set the amount of information provided in all Ed-Fi reports.

  • Detail: the most amount of feedback included on each report

  • Summary: a high-level overview of the most important report results

Step Seven: Select your preferred order from the "Report Sort Order" drop-down list to customize the sorting options for Ed-Fi reports.

Step Eight (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Enable Scheduled Update" checkbox to allow WISEdata updates to occur on a nightly basis.

Helpful Tip: If you placed a checkmark in the "Enable Scheduled Update" box, click the alarm clock icon to designate a time during the evening when users are no longer entering data into the database to ensure accurate reporting.

Step Nine: Enter an email address in the "Ed-Fi Notification Email Address" field to receive error reports when errors are detected in data that is shared with WISEdata.

Step Ten: Select a building from the "Building" drop-down list to configure Ed-Fi settings for a specific jmc building.

Step Eleven (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Send 'unknown' status in SSFSPA for this building" checkbox to allow jmc to update Student School Food Service Program Association with status of "unknown" if your school does not participate in a state or federally funded school lunch program.

Step Twelve: Place a checkmark in the "Disable sending student addresses for this building" checkbox to prevent addresses from being uploaded to the DPI.

Step Thirteen: Place a checkmark in the "Enable sending Student Transcript Resources for this building" checkbox to upload student transcript information to the DPI.

Step Fourteen: Click the "Save" button to update your Ed-Fi configuration settings.

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