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Entering ELL/LIEP records for a Wisconsin student
Entering ELL/LIEP records for a Wisconsin student

The "ELL/LIEP" tab on the View Student Data page contains state reporting information for English language learners.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 2 years ago

Wisconsin public school districts are required by the Department of Public Instruction to identify students who have a home language other than English. jmc provides you all of the tools you need to quickly identify and report services provided to English learners. Enter information regarding a student's native language, English learner status and language instruction program to successfully report the student as an ELL/LIEP learner.

In jmc Office heat to the "View Student Data" page and click the "ELL/LIEP" tab to identify the student as an ELL/LIEP learner.

Step One: Select the student to be edited by entering the name of the student in the "Find" field.

Step Two: Select the LIEP level of the selected student from the "LIEP Proficiency" drop-down list to indicate the student's level of proficiency as of the start of the school year.

Fun Fact: The ELL/LIEP records should remain the same for students for a full school year. For example, if the student takes the ACCESS assessment in December, their ELL status should not change for the current year (even after they receive their results). Changes to status would be reflected in the following school year.

Step Three: Select "Screener", "ACCESS", or "Not Specified" from the "LIEP Assessment" drop-down list to indicate the test used to identify the student's English learning progress.

Step Four: Select "Prior" or "Current" from the "LIEP Assessment Year" drop-down list to indicate the source of the listed LIEP information.

Step Five (optional): Select the monitoring status from the "LIEP Monitor Year" drop-down list if the selected student is in the process of fully exiting the program.

Helpful Tip: Create a program history record that includes dates on the "Programs" tab for students with an LIEP Proficiency level of "6 - Formerly ELL-LEP, now fully English Proficient" or a student in the post monitored phase of the LIEP program.

Step Six: Select a language program from the "Language" drop-down list to indicate the language program the student is enrolled in.

Step Seven: Click the "Save" button to update changes made to the student's LIEP status.

Step Eight: Click the "Print" button to save a PDF or print a copy of the selected student's EL status.

Fun Fact: A student's EL status will automatically carry over from one year to the next to track students and save time on re-entering information.

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