In Minnesota, accurate and comprehensive state reporting requires schools to ensure that each grade level meets instructional requirements and has the correct designations for proper funding. With jmc Office's "Edit School Data" feature, schools can easily enter or edit data such as grade level, day length, school number, Title 1 designation, and preschool groups for MARSS reporting. Customize your school data to meet state standards, ensuring accurate funding and compliance with educational requirements.
Log in to jmc Office and head to Minnesota > MARSS > Edit School Data to begin entering or editing school data for MARSS reporting.
Step One: Click the “Edit" link next to a grade level or grade 0 subgroup (KA, KB, KC, KD, KG, EC, or HK) to edit the grade level data in that particular row.
Fun Fact: The "HK" subgroup indicator is automatically changed to "KE" when included in state reporting files since "HK" is no longer recognized by the MDE.
Step Two: Enter or select the grade level, day length, school number, title 1 designation or preschool subgroup associated with the grade level for MARSS using the appropriate fields and drop-down lists.
PK/KG: the grade level subgroup as preschool or kindergarten
Day Length (Minutes): the number of minutes in a typical school day for the selected grade level
School Number: the number for the jmc building that is providing instruction for the selected grade level
Title 1: the grade level offering Title 1 services
Kindergarten Indicator: the code that indicates your kindergarten schedule
Preschool Groups: the code that designates the selected Preschool Group as part of a specific early childhood education program
Step Three: Click the “Update" link to save your changes or the “Cancel” link to discard.
Step Four: Repeat steps one through three to edit the school data for each grade level in your school.