Preparing your licensed and non-licensed staff data in jmc for STAR reporting simplifies error checking before sending your files to the state. By clicking a button, you can quickly validate your staff data and receive a list of errors to address before submission. This process ensures that your staff files are error-free, instilling confidence when you finally submit them to the state.
To validate your staff data for STAR reporting, go to Minnesota > STAR > Validate Data.
Step One: Click the "Validate Data" button to generate a list of errors for Licensed Staff, Licensed Staff Assignments, and Non-Licensed Staff.
Fun Fact: If there are no errors, the page will refresh and nothing will appear in the window indicating that you are ready to send your data to the state!
Step Two: Click the "Print" button to print the list of errors that are displayed for reference while fixing your staff data errors.
Step Three: Repeat steps one and two to check for STAR data errors until your data is error-free.