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Ticket Takers using GATE to allow or deny entry to school events
Ticket Takers using GATE to allow or deny entry to school events

Now that you have it all set up, it's time to unleash the power of GATE. Don't worry. It's easy to use and will keep the line moving.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 2 years ago

We know there are long lines of people waiting to enter the conference championship basketball game. So let’s get students through the line as quickly as possible. Use jmc's General Admission to Events (GATE) system to quickly see which students are eligible for entry and who the office has decided needs to put in some work to become eligible.

Head to the GATE portal on your school's jmc landing page to get started!

Step One: Select the school building from the "School" drop-down list to specify the building you are monitoring eligibility for.

Step Two: Select the ticket taker login type from the "Login Type" drop-down list to identify the jmc account type.

Step Three: Enter your "Username" and "Password" in the appropriate fields and click the "Login" button to enter the GATE portal.

Helpful Tip: Teachers, Office users, and approved Parent Volunteers can log in using their existing jmc Teacher, jmc Office, or jmc Family credentials to save juggling yet another set of usernames and passwords.

Step Four (optional): Click the hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner of the page to set user preferences and to return to "Home".

  • Lookup Field drop-down list: set the method for finding students in the "Find" field

  • Font Size drop-down list: size of font for display

  • Show Student Photos checkbox: show the student's photo on the admittance page

  • Show Last Student Processed After a Transaction checkbox: display the previous student's name

  • Require Exact Student Number Match checkbox: match students with the exact id

  • Windows Keyboard and Macintosh Keyboard radio buttons: select the type of keyboard you are using

Step Five: Select the student to check eligibility for by entering their name or student ID number in the "Find" field.

Step Six: Press the "/" or the "=" key to view the student's admission status.

Fun Fact: The following information will be displayed in the center of the page: Student Photo, ID, Name, Grade, Eligibility status for entry into school events (eligible in bold green letters, ineligible in bold red letters), and Reason for ineligibility (if available).

Step Seven: View the eligibility status to determine whether or not this student is allowed to attend.

Fun Fact: There is nothing to do in jmc after viewing the eligibility status. You are ready to scan the next student in line!

Step Eight: Press the "Enter" key to continue entering student IDs.

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