Stay in the know about your kiddo’s past absences and tardies while reporting upcoming absences in the Attendance Hotline list. Tap the Attendance Hotline icon on the bottom navigation bar to view a list of all past and upcoming absences including their dates and length of absence.
Step One: Tap an attendance entry to view absence detail.
Helpful Tip: Tap the triangle next to “PAST ABSENCES” or “UPCOMING ABSENCES” to expand or collapse the section.
"PAST ABSENCES: the attendance hotline screen displays past absences and tardies of your students including the dates and periods missed.
UPCOMING ABSENCES: see any current or future absences you've reported.
Step Two: Tap the back arrow (<) to return to the "Attendance Hotline" screen.
Fun Fact: Submit a new absence using the “+” button right from the palm of your hand!