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Learning more about jmc Student

jmc Student enables 24x7 online access to important student academic information including coursework, lunch purchases, and report cards.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

Stay up to date on your classroom performance by having convenient online access to all your coursework. jmc Student provides access so you never need to guess how you are doing in your classes. With access to academics, bus information, course registration, lunch purchase history, and more you can check your progress any time of day ensuring you always have the information you need to succeed!

Check out the following features available in jmc Student!


A comprehensive view of your academic life can help you take ownership of your preparation for the future. The Attendance Report, Report Card, Midterm Report Card, Progress Reports, Schedule, Transcripts and Lesson Plans menu tree items in jmc Student allow you and your family to view all information related to your coursework from the convenience of a web browser. View the same reports your teacher sees in their gradebook so you can stay on top of your attendance and course work.


Share the peace of mind by knowing who is picking you up and dropping off at the bus stop to and from school everyday with the Bus menu tree item in jmc Student. The jmc Bus module you a convenient glance at all your bus information in one location. Available information includes bus number, bus driver name, pickup and drop-off times. Even print off your very own copy to keep in the front of your binder!

Course Registration

jmc empowers students by giving you access to information regarding your schedule and course registration. Sign up for courses using the Course Registration menu tree item and view the required courses that have been added to your schedule. Even see how close you are to graduation with the Credit Check Detail menu tree item! When your schedule is complete, click on the Schedule menu tree item to view your teacher, the class period and room number and print a copy of your schedule so you know where you are going when that first bell rings!


Curious about where your lunch money is going? Check out the Lunch menu tree item to view all of your meals transactions for the year. Keep tabs on how much money is in your account, view a list of all of the purchases you have made and make sure you have enough money for extra dessert! If you are a really meticulous record keeper, you can even export all of your purchases onto a spreadsheet and categorize your purchases as you see fit!

Flex Scheduler

So you and your friends are working on an enrichment project in the shop and are looking for an extra period for your finishing touches. jmc's Flex Scheduler is a feature that allows you to select your very own MTSS or RTI offerings that meet your needs as a learner. When your teachers set up offerings and open them to students, you can sign up to get the help you need right when you need it! View all available flex schedule offerings and see where you are going during your school's MTSS period.

Student Signatures

Schools use things like student handbooks, technology agreements and conduct contracts to make you aware of rules and proper etiquette. To make sure you acknowledge these agreements, many schools ask for your signature as a way for you to let them know that you understand the expectations listed in those forms. With jmc, you can review those forms and sign them digitally to avoid an extra trip to the office. Simply use your mouse as a pen to add your signature once a document is uploaded to jmc from the office.

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