The Period Attendance module has all the tools to efficiently mark, track, analyze, and notify families concerning absences and tardies. Teachers use jmc Teacher to record and submit absence, tardy, and lunch count information. jmc Office provides up-to-the-minute attendance reporting and facilitates state reporting of your attendance data.
The Period Attendance module in jmc Teacher is broken into three sections: Enter Attendance, Edit Lunch Count, and Reports. To get started, log in to jmc Teacher and head to Classroom Attendance to view its features.
Enter Attendance
Record absences and tardies by course or period of the day to be submitted to jmc Office.
Edit Lunch Count
Report how many students in the class will be getting hot lunch, milk, etc. for specific days.
The lunch count is submitted to jmc Office for administrators to review.
jmc Teacher has attendance reports available for you pre-loaded and ready to run. Here is an overview of the various reports:
For A Student: attendance or tardies over a date range for a specific student or multiple students.
For A Period: how many students have been absent or tardy in a certain period.
For A Day: view all students or just the students in your classes to see who is absent or tardy for a specific day.