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Exploring reports in jmc Teacher
Exploring reports in jmc Teacher

Data-based decision making starts with understanding the data at your fingertips! Understand all the information available in jmc teacher.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

Teachers and everyone in the professional learning community need to analyze all kinds of student data to make decisions that improve student achievement. jmc specializes in data collection and reporting to provide teachers with fingertip access to all vital student information! Preview, print and export CSV files of student progress reports, birthday lists, blank score sheets and more with these reports in jmc Teacher!

Log into jmc Teacher and click on the Reports menu tree item to begin your data dig!

Progress Reports

View and print progress reports for all or selected students by class or percentage. Add customizable comments and email progress reports home to students and families right from jmc Teacher. Even, send progress reports to the office so the office can print out all reports without having to collate data from every teacher and class.

Edit Comments

Utilizing predefined comments saves time when preparing to send progress reports for students. Provide that personal touch with your predefined comments by heading to the Edit Comments page to add, edit and print the list of comments available for selection on the jmc Teacher Progress Report page.

Missing Scores report

The missing scores report is a handy tool that provides a quick snapshot of all missing scores for a selected course. Quickly inform students that have missing work by printing and distributing this report with a message that includes the final due date along with the names of missing assignments.

Student Summary

Want to view an individual student or selected student's course grade and assignments? The Student Summary report will give you a condensed view of assignment scores and overall course grade in one spot. Choose the course, select the student(s), preview, and then print the reports!

Assignment summary

Want a 10,000-foot view of how the students in your class are doing with a specific assignment? The Assignment summary report provides overall course statistics for results on a given assignment. Place a checkmark in the "Include Grade Distribution Graph" checkbox and view a handy bar graph that displays grade distribution.

Grade Summary

This report prints student grades as of the date entered. View and print all students with their overall grade by student number or name, sorting by ascending or descending percentage. Optionally consolidate all of a student's courses into one report to view all grades from a particular teacher.

Scores Grid

Need to print or export your grade book? This report prints student scores in a grade book page format including assignments across the top and students down a column to the left.

Class Assignments

Have students that need to see a list of all assignments in jmc with all points possible? View and print out a list of all assignments entered for a specific class. This feature is handy as an overview of all skills or assignments covered in a class.

Blank Score Sheets

Print a blank grade book page with student names in a grid view. With columns and space to manually enter information, blank score sheets come in handy for everything from checking out books and assigning book numbers to checking off permission slips for field trips.

Student Name and Number List

Need a student list in a flash? View and print a list of all students in a class including student names, student ID's, grade, Advisor and Tag.

Student Lists
Create a customized report in jmc Teacher featuring a range of items such as common demographic information, activities, attendance, bus route, contacts, course sections, digital equity and more! Choose to include all active students or just those in your courses, and select a sorting method to view your list according to your criteria. Once you have your list, you can print it, export it to a spreadsheet or save your list query for future use. This is the ultimate report-building tool!

Student Assessment Summary Report

Use the assessment report to view student performance data for a certain benchmark or standard. Utilize this information to focus your PLC meetings on specific standards, and use the student achievement data to guide your conversations.

Student Standardized Test Query

Generate reports of student scores for any standardized tests entered into jmc, from ACT scores to FAST assessments to state assessment data. Review this standardized testing data to gain a comprehensive view of student achievement.

Print Standards and Benchmarks Report Card

Complete your Standards-Based Grading term by printing your custom Standards and Benchmarks Report Cards for your students. Select the term and print Standards and Benchmarks results for all or selected student onto the customized standards and benchmarks report cards created in jmc Office!

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