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Getting a handle on general admission to events
Getting a handle on general admission to events

jmc GATE allows event ticket takers a window to see the students that are allowed for admission into any event.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 2 years ago

As a way to encourage academic participation and attendance, schools often have a policy requiring students to maintain eligibility requirements to attend school events. Administrators and athletic directors will love jmc GATE (General Admission To Events) which efficiently allows ticket takers to see who is eligible to attend an event. This is a database so powerful it deserves it's own portal!

Set eligibility parameters in jmc Office

Administrators can set up requirements for students to attend events. Pull attendance and grade data to set your requirements with a few clicks. Does a student need to be present at school during the day to attend the event that night? Do they need to maintain good standing academically? Administrators have the flexibility to determine who is eligible to attend events within jmc Office. Search for individual students to mark eligibility or set "at-risk" levels to see which students fit a specific demographic.

The Ticket Booth

Since staff members and volunteers often serve ticket-taking duties, jmc has made it easy for these folks to access GATE! Users of the jmc Office, Teacher, or Family portals have the ability to log in using their already created credentials.

The Line

jmc GATE functions similarly to point of sale. Scan a student identification bar code or enter a student name or identification number at the point of admission. Upon entry, a window will pop up clearly displaying the student's eligibility status! jmc will display a student photo and in the case that admission is not allowed, jmc will display a message with an explanation. Worried about confidentiality? Set user privileges in jmc Office to set what information is displayed in GATE.

Promote responsible behaviors and easily monitor student admission into school events by using GATE!

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