Establish the foundation for your building’s master schedule to create a smooth scheduling process before creating courses and utilizing jmc’s powerful scheduling tools. Begin by defining the number of periods in your school day to establish the daily structure. Then, determine the length of your scheduling cycle based on whether your school follows a traditional eight-period day or a block schedule.
Head to File > Administrator Options in jmc Office to establish your "School Settings."
Step One: Select a number from the "Number of periods in a day" drop-down list to define the number of periods in your schedule.
Helpful Tip: Elementary schools reporting AM/PM attendance, might select "2" from the "Number of periods in a day" drop-down list while middle schools and high schools with rotating courses might choose "7" or "8" to account for all of the periods that make up a day.
Step Two: Select a number from the "Days in Cycle" drop-down list to define the number of days typical courses will meet.
Helpful Tip: In a traditional schedule where all courses meet every day, you might select "5" days in the cycle to represent each day of the week. In a block schedule, where courses rotate every other day, you might select "2" days in the cycle to represent "A/B" days.
Step Three: Enter a letter or number in the "Day Labels" field to define the days your courses will meet—such as 'M, T, W, R, & F' for a traditional schedule or 'A & B' for a block schedule.
Step Four (optional): Enter a name (for example "Study Hall") in the "Unscheduled Period Text" field to label periods that remain unscheduled on an individual student schedule.
Step Five (optional): Select the appropriate radio button in the 'Sort Schedules By' box to organize printed student schedules based on the predominant term type used in your master schedule.
Step Six: Click the "Update" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.