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Acquiring state IDs

Acquire student IDs from the Nebraska Department of Education website to link students from your jmc database to the ADVISER portal.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over 7 months ago

The Nebraska Department of Education assigns students a state ID for state reporting purposes. To obtain these state IDs, start by exporting a student ID file from jmc Office, which includes basic demographic information like name, birthdate, and gender. Then, upload this file to the NDE to receive a State ID file for the selected students, ensuring that all student data is properly aligned with state requirements for seamless reporting.

In jmc Office, head to Nebraska > State ID > Export Person ID File to acquire the student file that is uploaded to the NDE website.

Step One: Select "All Students", "Only Students with No State ID" or a specific grade from the "Grade level" drop-down list to generate a State ID file for the selected students.

Step Two: Click the "Check Errors" button to have jmc automatically check for errors such as "No birth date" that might prevent acquiring IDs from the state.

Helpful Tip: Head to the "View Student Data" page, fix any errors listed on the error report, and repeat step two until you are error free to ensure a successful file exchange.

Step Three: Click the "Start Export" button to create a student file to upload to the NDE.

Step Four: Head to the Nebraska Department of Education portal to upload your student file and obtain student State IDs from the NDE.

Step Five: Enter student IDs in the "State ID" field on the "General" tab of the "View Student Data" page to enable state reporting for your students.

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