The Nebraska Department of Education assigns students a state ID for state reporting purposes. To obtain these state IDs, start by exporting a student ID file from jmc Office, which includes basic demographic information like name, birthdate, and gender. Then, upload this file to the NDE to receive a State ID file for the selected students, ensuring that all student data is properly aligned with state requirements for seamless reporting.
In jmc Office, head to Nebraska > State ID > Export Person ID File to acquire the student file that is uploaded to the NDE website.
Step One: Select "All Students", "Only Students with No State ID" or a specific grade from the "Grade level" drop-down list to generate a State ID file for the selected students.
Step Two: Click the "Check Errors" button to have jmc automatically check for errors such as "No birth date" that might prevent acquiring IDs from the state.
Helpful Tip: Head to the "View Student Data" page, fix any errors listed on the error report, and repeat step two until you are error free to ensure a successful file exchange.
Step Three: Click the "Start Export" button to create a student file to upload to the NDE.
Step Four: Head to the Nebraska Department of Education portal to upload your student file and obtain student State IDs from the NDE.
Step Five: Enter student IDs in the "State ID" field on the "General" tab of the "View Student Data" page to enable state reporting for your students.