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Understanding Wisconsin Career and Technical Education in jmc
Understanding Wisconsin Career and Technical Education in jmc

jmc's Career and Technical Education tools help schools provide and track educational opportunities for students in a real-world setting.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

Wisconsin students can get a jump-start on a career by participating in Career and Technical Education programs provided by their school. jmc's CTE tools help schools maintain records of CTE courses, track student program completion and report CTE information to the state via WISEdata. Whether CTE opportunities exist within the school day or in the form of internships, jmc provides the tools you need!

jmc breaks the CTE tracking and reporting process into the following components:

  • Creating Career and Technical Education Courses

  • Tracking course based or non-course based CTE opportunities

  • Identifying CTE Concentrators

  • Seamlessly reporting CTE data to the Wisconsin DPI

Creating Career and Technical Education Courses

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in schools are areas of study that provide students vital educational pathways in programs such as Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science, Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship, Technology and Engineering. In jmc, users can create courses that are associated with CTE programs to begin tracking student participation.

  • The "State Specific Section" tab: The "Programs" drop-down list on the "State Specific Section" tab of the Schedules > Course > Edit Course Data page allows you to associate a CTE program with a jmc course.

Tracking course based or non-course based CTE opportunities

Once courses are created and associated with a CTE program, users can track student progress to award certification and report statuses to the state. jmc makes CTE record keeping simple and the state reporting aspect even simpler by providing flexible CTE program tracking options.

  • Mass Create Student Section Programs: Upon completion of a CTE course, create a student program record for all students enrolled in that course on the Schedules > Student > Mass Create Student Section Programs page.

  • Student Section Details and Overrides: On the Schedules > Student > Edit Schedules page, manually assign CTE programs or individually edit students that have been mass assigned with the "Student Section Details and Overrides" quick link.

  • The "Program" tab: Create records for students that are participating in non-course based CTE opportunities including internships, simulated worksites, and other rigorous non-course based CTE experiences that typically occur outside of the normal school day on the "Program" tab of the View Student Data page.

Identifying CTE Concentrators

A student that has completed at least two CTE courses in a single career pathway throughout high school in Wisconsin is designated as a CTE Concentrator. The handy tracking tools and reports in jmc help you track and identify the students that are CTE Concentrators in your school.

  • Import Program History from Prior Year: Students can continue concentration in a CTE program over the years with the program import feature on the Wisconsin > Program History > Import Program History from Prior Year page. Run the import to pull student CTE records from the previous year into the current year.

  • CTE Report: View student progress in one or more CTE programs to identify Concentrators on the Wisconsin > CTE Report page.

Seamlessly reporting CTE data to the Wisconsin DPI

Once CTE courses are created and student progress is updated, records can be submitted via typical WISEdata state reporting processes. Submitting CTE data to the Wisconsin DPI via jmc on the Wisconsin > WISEdata page helps ensure proper Perkins grant reporting.

  • Update Students by Grade Level: Submitting CTE data for all students or selected grade levels allows users to submit all CTE records or records for grade level cohorts at one time.

  • Update Student: Submitting CTE data for individual students if there are just a few records to update to save time during the uploading process.

  • Update Course: The Update Course process allows you to submit student CTE records associated with specific course sections or staff sections individually by course.

  • Enable Ed-Fi Daily Sync Job: Head to the File > Administrator options page and click the "Ed-Fi Settings" link to enable daily WISEdata processing and have jmc automatically update CTE records via Ed-Fi daily.

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