Stay connected with your school community and affiliated organizations by customizing your account settings in the jmc Community Messenger. Get timely updates on weather cancellations and important events delivered directly to your phone and email. Keeping your account settings up to date ensures you remain informed and engaged with your community.
Log into the Community Messenger portal as a user to manage your account settings.
Step One: Click the "Pencil" icon on your avatar, then select "Choose File" or "Take a Photo" to update your Community Messenger avatar. Click the "Save" button to apply your changes or the "Cancel" button to return to the previous page.
Step Two: Click the "Edit" button on the "Name" or "Password" row to to edit your personal details.
Step Three: Click the "Edit" button in the "Groups" row to update the messaging groups from which you are receiving messages, or click the "+ Add Group" button to add a new group to your account.
Step Four: Select the group(s) from the "Groups" drop-down list to receive news and event updates from the selected group(s) and click the "Save" button to apply your changes or the "Cancel" button to discard them.
Fun Fact: To stop receiving notifications from a group, click the "x" next to the group name to remove it.
Step Five: Click the "Edit" button in the "Email" row to update your default email addresses associated with your account, or click the "+ Add Email" link to add a new email address. Click the "Save" button to apply your changes or the "Cancel" button to discard them.
Helpful Tip: Adding a new email address? Check your email for a message with an activation PIN code, enter the code in the appropriate field and click the "Verify PIN" button to authenticate your email address or click the "Cancel" button to return to the previous page.
Fun Fact: Want to remove an email address? Simply click the "Trash Can" icon next to it.
Step Six: Click the "Edit" button in the "Phone" row to update your default phone number associated with your account, or click the "+ Add Phone" link to add a new phone number to your account.
Helpful Tip: Adding a new phone number? Check your phone for a message from us with an activation PIN code, enter the code in the appropriate fields and click the "Verify PIN" button to authenticate your phone number or click the "Cancel" button to return to the previous page.
Step Seven: Place a checkmark in the "Yes, I would like to receive text notifications about specific topics" checkbox and click the "Save" button to apply your changes or the "Cancel" button to discard them.
Fun Fact: Want to remove a phone number? Simply click the "Trash Can" icon next to it.
Helpful Tip: Click the "Delete account" button to delete your Community Messenger user account.