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New User Series

Have you heard about jmc's New User Series? It's the perfect opportunity to level up your jmc skills before the upcoming school year!

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over 2 years ago

Hey there jmc rockstar! If you're new to the jmc world, we've got the ultimate insider tip to help you become a jmc ninja in no time - our new user webinar series! These webinars are like a virtual jmc bootcamp, where we'll give you the lowdown on all the features and functionalities you need to know to rule the jmc universe like a pro. Plus, we promise to make it fun - you'll learn all the basics, as well as some advanced tips and tricks, and get the chance to interact with our amazing training team to get your questions answered. So don't hesitate, whether you're a complete newbie or just need a little refresher, join us for our new user webinar series and get ready to take your jmc skills to the next level!

June 13, 12:30 PM CT

Accurate, compliant state reporting is key to securing government funding for your school district. In this training on Tuesday, June 13, we’ll take an in-depth look at how the State Reporting module streamlines and simplifies the reporting process for your district. Topics covered include: setting your calendar in jmc, preparing for the 23-24 school year, getting ready for the next data submission, and managing enrollment.

June 20, 12:30 PM CT

Accurate, compliant state reporting is key to securing government funding for your school district. In this training on Tuesday, June 20, we’ll take an in-depth look at how the State Reporting module streamlines and simplifies the reporting process for your district, including: setting your calendar in jmc, preparing for the 23-24 school year, getting ready for the next data submission, ensuring all students and staff have IDs, collecting Digital Equity, and managing enrollment.

June 26, 12:30 PM CT

Accurate, compliant state reporting is key to securing government funding for your school district. In this training on Monday, June 26, you’ll learn how to adjust Ed-Fi settings and import program history, and we’ll take an in-depth look at how the State Reporting module streamlines and simplifies the reporting process for your district, including: setting your calendar in jmc, preparing for the 23-24 school year, getting ready for the next data submission, managing enrollment, enabling Ed-Fi settings, and entering logical building information.

June 28, 12:30 PM CT

Accurate, compliant state reporting is key to securing government funding for your school district. In this training on Wednesday, June 28, we’ll take an in-depth look at how the State Reporting module streamlines and simplifies the reporting process for your district, including: setting your calendar in jmc, importing Enrollment History, getting ready for the next Ed-Fi data submission and managing enrollment.

July 5, 12:30 PM CT

What is the best way to train your new jmc users? Let the jmc training team do the heavy lifting for you! Do you know we have countless training solutions and about a zillion resources for your new office, teacher, and admin users?! Join us Wednesday, July 5, at 12:30 CT to learn how your school can hit the ground running for the 23-24 school year.

July 6, 12:30 PM CT

Communication is key at jmc! In this webinar we'll share how to set up and efficiently use the jmc Message Center, run reports, record and send messages, and more! Join the training team on Thursday, June 6, 2023, at 12:30 PM CT to become a Message Center pro!

July 11, 12:30 PM CT

Join us July 11, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT for an in-depth look at our Communication and Discipline modules. In this training we’ll show you how to use our Communication module to easily keep track of student communication records and interactions whether they're positive or negative, about a student or their caregiver, or they take place during or outside of the school setting. We’ll also explore how the Discipline module allows teachers to quickly record disciplinary interactions and relay them to the front office where administrators can share them with families and anyone else who needs up-to-date information on a student’s behavior.

July 13, 12:30 PM CT

The Period Attendance module gives districts the flexibility to track student attendance by period. Join us on July 13, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT as we explore the ins and outs of tracking absences, tardies, and reasons for absences on a period-by-period basis from any computer with internet access. Plus, we’ll do a little show and tell on generating by-period attendance reports and how to include attendance histories on students' report cards.

July 18, 12:30 PM CT

In our All About (Elementary) Scheduling training on July 18, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT you’ll learn how to conveniently manage the student scheduling process from end to end with jmc's Schedules module. We’ll demonstrate how office professionals can build grade level and specialist (art/music/physical education) courses and sections. Once they are built we will walk you through the easy steps to bulk students in the newly created courses and schedule them into sections for the entire year.

July 19, 12:30 PM CT

Join us July 19, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT as we give you a 360° view of how jmc keeps families informed 24/7. We’ll demonstrate how families can get real-time student information on-the-go with jmc’s Family mobile app or access the family portal using any computer! With the jmc Family app (available for iOS and Android) or Family portal, important information on student grades, attendance, and activities is just a few clicks away. You’ll learn how to set up and maintain the Office settings for both the jmc Family app and Family portal. Then you can set it and forget it because families will have access to critical data 24/7.

July 25, 12:30 PM CT

We know that extracurricular and athletic activities are integral parts of a school's daily business. On July 25, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT, we’ll delve into how coaches and advisors can stay connected to students and their families on-the-go with the Coach/Advisor app (available for iOS and Android) and the Activities module.

July 26, 12:30 PM CT

At jmc the Tuition and Fees module allows schools to easily track tuition and fees for students and/or families. We’ll begin this training on July 26, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT by looking at defining and setting up your own fees. Fee types include school tuition, library fines, activity fees, and more. Then, you’ll learn how to charge fees throughout the school year, print reports, and maintain accounts, all from within the module. For extra credit, we’ll show schools that have purchased the Online Family feature in jmc Office how to give families online access to fee transactions and account balances.

Lunch and Learn

August 9, 12:30 PM CT

The jmc Lunch module seamlessly manages school meal administration, from the set up steps to lunch-line sales. On August 9, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT Food Services professionals will learn how to use the Lunch module to maintain meal accounts, prepare monthly reports, and handle FRP accounting. Then, we’ll demonstrate how students and their families can access the module through the jmc Family app and portal to stay informed about meal account balances and transactions.

August 16, 12:30 PM CT

jmc's Health module can help turn your school's health office into an efficient clinic! In this training on August 16, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT we’ll explore how the Health module manages all of your school’s health needs in one easy-to-use program. We’ll also show school health professionals how to use the module to manage and search student health records; track office visits, health screenings, and medication; and maintain immunization records. We’ll wrap it up by demonstrating how families can access the module through jmc Family to view and print student health histories.

August 23, 12:30 PM CT

jmc knows a one-size-fits-all schedule doesn’t exist, so we’ve ensured schools can build the flexibility they need into class schedules. On August 23, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT we’ll explore Flex Scheduler, a feature that allows students and teachers to facilitate meetings for extra help. Join us an learn how students use the jmc Student portal to show learning options that best fit their learning needs.

August 30, 12:30 PM CT

jmc aims to create a strong school-family collaboration right from the start! At this training you’ll learn all about New Family Enrollment, a part of the software suite that eases the enrollment process for prospective new families to your district by allowing them to enter information online and submit it electronically. Join us on August 30, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT to discover three key features of the New Family Enrollment module to ease the transition of new students into your district by keeping the process online.

September 12, 12:30 PM CT

Reducing the stress of teacher conferences with the Teacher Conference Scheduler helps increase attendance, leading to better outcomes for students. On September 12, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT you’ll learn the ins and outs of our module that coordinates sign-up and family attendance at teacher conferences. We’ll demonstrate how you can use student and family information already in jmc, and we’ll also walk you through setting up conferences in jmc Office, selecting available times in jmc Teacher, and running conference scheduler reports after conferences!

September 19, 12:30 PM CT

Attendance Form Letters saves you time by identifying and notifying families of students with excessive absences. Join us for this two-part training as we show you how the notification can be sent as a snail mail letter or email as well as how it is designed using the jmc form Designer. Part one of the training is on September 19, 2023 at 12:30 PM CT!

September 27, 12:30 PM CT

Our GATE module helps manage student access to events and reward students for positive behavior. On September 27, at 12:30 PM CT we’ll explore how the module allows users to type in a student ID and identify if they are eligible to attend extracurricular events.

October 3, 12:30 PM CT

Join us October 3, 12:30 PM CT to discover how you can effectively track student progress towards graduation by customizing credit requirements. Learn how to define credit requirements, edit subject areas, and interpret credit checker reports to identify student deficiencies. We'll also cover how to print graduation credit requirements and run credit check overviews.

October 10, 12:30 PM CT

To help you close out the term smoothly and efficiently, this training on October 10, at 12:30 PM CT covers everything you need to know, from guiding teachers through the grade submission process to getting report cards to students and families.

October 17, 12:30 PM CT

On October 17, at 12:30 PM CT discover how the Online Payments feature empowers your school district to accept credit card and ACH payments for various fees, including lunch payments, and gain insights into the process of setting up Online Payments. Additionally, you'll learn about the deposit mechanism in jmc Office, Family, and the Family app. Lastly, we'll provide you with comprehensive information on Online Payments reporting.

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