Adding a Task Trigger
Task Triggers are triggers that send emails, texts, and add or remove templates, field sections, and fields that are activated when a task is completed or not completed by a certain date. As an example, you might have a task trigger that sends a text three days after the task is due.
To learn how to set up task triggers, follow along with the sections below to see your options.
Step 1:
From the hammer icon, go to Templates and find Trigger Templates. Click on Add New to create a new trigger template.
Step 2:
Enter the name of the template and choose Task Trigger as the template type.
Step 3:
Click Create Template which gives you the base template that you can build triggers off of. It's important to note that once you create the template as a task trigger, there is not a way to change it at a later time. You would have to delete it and create a new one.
Step 4:
From the Choose An Action drop down, pick an action (if a task is completed or not completed).
Step 5:
You will need to select one of the following Trigger Functions which will be initiated once the task is due.
Send Email
Send Text
Add or Remove Templates
Add or Remove Field Section
Add or Remove Field
Step 6:
Now that you have the action and function selected, click on Add Trigger.
Task Completed using Send Email
In this first example, the trigger will send an email once the task has been completed.
Step 1:
Follow Step 4 through Step 6 above to create the trigger to send an email once the task has been completed.
After you've clicked Add Trigger, a panel will appear on the right where you can build out the email you're going to send. You can either apply an email template or create it from scratch.
Step 2:
Once you have all of the content entered into the email, click on Close.
Step 3:
Now that everything is in place for this task trigger, click on the toggle button in the lower right corner of the trigger tile to turn it on.
You also have some additional options for the trigger if you are on the Premium Plan Add On(Old Pricing Version) or Pro Plan and Scale Plan(New Pricing Version). To find these, click on Trigger Options in the upper right corner of the trigger tile.
Option 1: Trigger will be queued - If you toggle this button to the color red, it means that the email will automatically be sent without you being able to review it.
Option 2: + Add Condition - By adding a condition to the trigger, you will essentially be saying that the condition has to be completed before the trigger can be queued to send.
Option 3: + Edit Assigned To - You have the option to add a role to the trigger, which will then show on the assigned user's Trigger page.
Option 4: Edit Tags - This allows you to add or remove tags from the trigger, which makes it so you can filter the triggers by the different tags you have in your system.
Task Completed using Send Text
Create another trigger but this time choose Send Text. Just like the email trigger, you can either apply a text template or create one from scratch.
Once you have the content entered into the text trigger, click on Close so you can go back and turn the trigger on.
You will find the four options that were on the email trigger under the text trigger as well. These are part of the Premium Plan Add On(Old Pricing Version) or Pro Plan and Scale Plan(New Pricing Version).
Task Not Completed using Send Email and Text
The only difference in the Task Not Completed trigger option is that you will need to set up a Contingency on the trigger.
This can be done by clicking on Not defined or on the current contingency.
On the right side, you will see a new window where you can set up your Contingency.
Trigger Functions - Add or Remove Template, Field Section, or Field
You also have the option to add or remove a template, field section, or field through triggers.
For example, if you have a task that gets completed when the buyer provides the Earnest Money, you can have a trigger set up to automatically add a new task template with the next set of tasks for the home inspection.
Much like the Contingency option, the Execute When option is used on the Field Section or Fields trigger functions. You will fill out the information for when the trigger will execute.