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Property Documents
Rain avatar
Written by Rain
Updated over a week ago

Documents are a crucial part of every transaction. Having the right documents in one central location allows you to quickly provide the information necessary to keep the transaction moving forward.

Each property in Open To Close has a Documents section where you can store any document as a file, label files for automation, approve incoming documents, and much more. This article goes over all of the different parts of the Documents section.

At the top of the Documents section, you will see a header where you can apply a template, filter documents by color, create a new folder to house a group of documents, filter just your missing documents by clicking M, or filter your documents based on a search term.

Below those options is the ability to expand or collapse your folders or files, select all or none for your files, filter by a document template, open your DocuSign envelopes, open Google Drive, or make changes to the file buttons.

After that, if you have any unapproved documents for the property, you will see them below the header. These documents are from intake forms, Agent/Client portals, some integrations, or when someone emails the property email address.

You can click on the name of the file to see what it is. Once you have reviewed it, you can add it to a folder, change the file's name, and give it a file role.

Now that the file is assigned to the right folder and labeled correctly, click on Approve. If the file is not what you need, click on Reject.


Once a document has been rejected, there is no way for us to retrieve it. You would need to reach out to the person who sent the document. Please be careful to only reject documents you are sure you do not need.

After you have approved the documents, you will see a new prompt asking you to remove the empty intake folders. This is helpful so that you don't have a large number of empty folders.

All of the documents you receive or upload manually will live in the folders that you create. With each of these folders, you can do the following.

  • Six Dots - Click on these dots to drag and drop the folder to a different spot in your list. This is helpful if you have finished getting all of the documents in one folder and don't need to see them anymore. You can move it to the bottom of the list.

  • Drop-down - This opens up a menu where you can choose to collapse the files in that folder so they are no longer visible, select or unselect all of the files in the folder so you can perform a mass action, start a message regarding the folder, or delete the folder and its files entirely.

  • Gray Dot - You can assign a color to the folder which you can then filter by.

  • +File - This is where you can add new files to the folder. It only adds the file placeholder, so you must click on the paperclip to upload the actual file.

  • Number Button - If you want to add a note about the folder, you can click on the zero to add a new note. This might have a different number if there are already notes about the folder.

  • EX - Click on this to exclude the notes on the folder from the Agent and Client Portal views.

  • Folder Name - You can change the name of the folder by clicking on it until it turns purple. Be sure to hit Enter/Return on your keyboard to save the changes.

  • Upload - Click on this to upload any file(s) from your computer to the folder.

Under the folder information, there will be a list of all the files in that folder. Each file has the following options.

  • Six Dots - Use this to drag and drop your files into the order you want to see them.

  • Gray Dot - If you are using color coordination on your files, click this dot to assign a color.

  • Drop-down - This allows you to toggle notes so you can see them under the file, download the file, send a message regarding the file, or delete the file altogether.

  • Box - If you need to make changes to a group of files, you can select the ones you need by checking the box. This opens the options for DocuSign, Google Drive, merging files, and exporting files. You can also change the color, move the files to another folder, or delete the files.

  • Toggle Button - Once the files are fully executed and uploaded, you can toggle this button to indicate that the document is fully executed.

  • Paperclip - Use this to open a side panel on the right where you can manage your document.

  • Number - This will indicate if you have any additional files attached to the main document.

  • File Buttons - There is a row of buttons that you can click on to indicate the priority of the document, any notes assigned to it and if you want them excluded, and whether something has been signed or not. Clicking on a button will change the color.

  • 2nd Drop-down - Using this allows you to choose a file role for your document. The file role is a label used in automation throughout your account.

  • Flame Icon - You will only see this if the document is labeled with a file role.

  • Document Link - Click this to open the file to work on.

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