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Absolute Sale FAQs
Absolute Sale FAQs

What is Absolute Sale and how does it work?

Updated over 6 months ago

What is Absolute Sale?

Absolute Sale is a feature on the Marketplace that allows buyers to easily identify vehicles they can win quickly and sellers to increase demand for their vehicles and eliminate the time spent negotiating.

How Absolute Sale works for sellers

  1. The seller receives a strong bid (i.e., they are willing to sell at that price)

  2. Beginning at 8 am CT, Monday - Saturday, the seller can click "Launch Absolute Sale" on the vehicle card.

    1. Note: The seller must confirm they understand they can no longer counter or accept bids and the action cannot be undone.

  3. The vehicle flows into the buy-side's Absolute sale logic

  4. At 3pm CT, the vehicle will sell to the highest bidder

    1. If the vehicle receives a bid within 3 minutes of its timer expiring, the vehicle will go into extension (extension details in FAQs below).

How Absolute Sale works for buyers

  1. The seller clicks “Launch Absolute Sale” and the vehicle flows into the buy-side’s Absolute Sale logic

  2. At 8 am CT, Monday - Saturday, buyers can begin using the Absolute Sale filter

  3. At 10 am CT, four Absolute Sale vehicles are pinned to the top of the Search page

    • If interested, buyers can expand the section to view more Absolute Sale vehicles

    • If not interested, buyers can click X and it will be gone for the day (reappears the next day)

  4. Buyers can bid on the vehicles until 3 pm CT that day, at which time the vehicle will sell to the highest bidder

    1. If the vehicle receives a bid within 3 minutes of its timer expiring, the vehicle will go into extension (extension details in FAQs below).


Q: Does the buyer have the ability to withdraw their bid after a vehicle is entered into Absolute Sale?

A: No, the buyer is unable to retract their bid once the seller launches Absolute Sale.

Q: If a buyer is interested in my vehicle, how will they know I listed it for Absolute Sale?

A: Buyers who have placed a bid on a vehicle or added it to their watchlist are notified when the seller launches Absolute Sale. They will receive another notification 15 minutes before the Absolute Sale ends.

Q: What notifications do buyers see when vehicles they’ve bid on or put on their watchlist go into Absolute Sale?

A: Buyers who have placed a bid on a vehicle or added it to their watchlist are notified when the seller launches the listing as an Absolute Sale. In addition, they will receive a notification 15 minutes before the Absolute Sale ends.

Q: What happens to the BIN when the seller launches Absolute Sale?

A: The BIN is automatically removed. The seller will see the option to add a BIN back onto the vehicle, but based on historical vehicle performances this is not a best practice.

Q: What time are Absolute Sale vehicles pinned to the buyer’s search page?

A: Beginning at 10 am CT, four Absolute sale vehicles will be pinned to the top of the search page. The four most recently uploaded vehicles will display.

Q: Will vehicles automatically move to Absolute Sale when the floor is met?

A: No. The seller is in control of selecting Absolute Sale.

Q: How does extension work?

A: During extension, all buyers, not just those that have previously bid, are eligible to bid for the vehicle and each additional bid will increase the remaining time left on the vehicle's timer. Timer logic:

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