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Crowdsourcing: Adding participant submissions to ranking blocks mid-survey
Crowdsourcing: Adding participant submissions to ranking blocks mid-survey
Daniel Kyne avatar
Written by Daniel Kyne
Updated over 2 months ago

OpinionX is designed to allow you to collect new ranking options from participants using the Text Response block and add them directly to any ranking block as a new voting option. This feature is free for all users and is automatically enabled on all surveys.

This guide covers:


1. How To Collect New Statements From Survey Participants

Add a Text Response block to your survey. The most common way to do this is to place it directly after a ranking block with a question like "Have a problem/idea you didn't see while voting? Share it below:"


2. How To Add Crowdsourced Statements To Ranking Blocks

Once a participant submits an opinion, it appears in the Text Response results table. Once you've got a crowdsourced opinion you want to add to a ranking block, hit the checkmark icon (✔) beside it.


3. How to Moderate and Edit Crowdsourced Statements

Once you've got a crowdsourced opinion you want to add to a ranking block, hit the checkmark icon (✔) beside it. In the popup that appears, you can choose which ranking block to add the opinion to and you can also make any necessary edits:


4. How To Auto-Approve All Submitted Statements

"Auto-Add To Ranking" is a premium customization available on the Analyze tier.

In the Text Response block settings during survey setup, you can find a checkbox titled "Auto-Add To Ranking". Enabling this checkbox means all responses/submission will automatically be added to the ranking block of your choice.


5. Clean Slate Stack Ranking: Starting With Zero Voting Options

Clean Slate Stack Ranking means starting with no ranking options. Instead, you collect all ranking options directly from participants. There are two ways that you can do Clean Slate Stack Ranking:

  1. Update as you go: Each participant adds new statements to grow the ranking list, but doesn't rejoin to vote on statements added after their participation. This works fine when you're engaging a large participant base and are just looking to kick off the survey. You can also invite early participants to rejoin later and vote again.

  2. Host in stages: Create a survey with only the Text Response block. Ask all participants to complete the survey. Temporarily close the survey (via survey settings), add a ranking block, and add all their answers to the ranking block. Then delete the Text Response question and ask participants to complete the survey using the same original link.

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