Written by Support Manager
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to OpsAnalitica SSO Configuration Document, the following are a couple of things to keep in mind when you will be using an SSO provider with the OpsAnalitica Platform:

  • We support the Open ID Connect protocol.

  • You have to maintain a User Account in the OpsAnalitica Platform as well as your SSO Provider.

    • Your user accounts must also have the proper roles in our system to grant access to the OpsAnalitica Platform.

  • You can allow your users to use your SSO provider and have local passwords, this is a configuration.





To access the SSO Configuration:

  1. You will need have Administrator access to configure SSO.

  2. Click on Admin - Users - Authentication - New

  3. At this point you are going to have to create your OpenID Connect profile in your SSO portal for OpsAnalitica.

    1. Your SSO portal will provide you with the information you need to enter into OpsAnalitica:

      1. Client Id

      2. Client Secret

      3. Authority

      4. Response Type

      5. As a side note, we have found that some of these SSO platforms have horrible documentation and we have had clients that had to dig very hard to find these values.

  4. Enter the proper connection information:

    1. All of this information will be provided by your SSO platform and it is based on your configuration of that platform. If you need help finding that data, contact your SSO provider's help desk.

  5. Click Create

  6. Then our page is going to reload and provide you with additional values that you will need to enter into your SSO OpsAnalitica Connection.

    1. Key

    2. Login Url

    3. Redirect Url

    4. Once you have completed adding those pieces of data to your SSO platform your SSO connection should work.

  7. You will also notice that we have included OpsAnalitica Logos for you to use in your SSO portal at the bottom of the page.

User Configurations:

  1. You have the following configuration options for your User Accounts. These can be configured manually or through the API.

  2. You should uncheck Can Change Password.

  3. You should uncheck Must Change Password.

  4. If you choose to Remove Password, then the only way for an end user to login to OpsAnalitica is through the SSO portal. If you leave the end user's password, then they will be able to login locally and through SSO.

  5. Make sure that they have the proper roles on their OpsAnalitica account so they can access the platform.

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