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How do I offer or grant options to an employee?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 7 months ago

To grant options to an employee you will need to be logged into Orchestra and have access as a company administrator. Click on 'ESOP & Options' from the left side menu. Click on the 'Manage pool' button. Click on the 'Create a new grant' button.

Select from your dropdown list in 'Option holder' or click to 'Create new option holder'.

Enter the grant particulars:

  1. Description (optional)

  2. Number of options granted

  3. Exercise price

  4. Add one of your vesting schedule templates if you have set one up, or you can add your vesting schedules later. If you select a template, you can enter your option quantities and dates for the schedules.

  5. Restrictions on disposal (optional)

  6. Grant start date

  7. Option expiry date - if you leave this blank it records 'Never' as an expiry

  8. Upload documents - eg. signed offer letter, plan rules

Click the 'Submit' button.

The grant will be created. If you need to make any edits you can click on 'Settings' and select 'Edit grant'.

Click on the 'Manage schedules' button if you need to make any changes to the vesting schedules, or the 'Edit' button against any individual schedule.

When you're happy that your new grant of options looks great, invite the option holder onto Orchestra to view their options.

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