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How do I edit an option grant?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 6 months ago

To edit an option grant in Orchestra you need to be an administrator for the company and logged in. Select 'ESOP & Options' from the menu and click 'Manage pool'.

The 'Edit grant' feature is found under the 'Actions' icon (3 vertical dots).

You can edit the grant:

  1. Description

  2. Number of options granted

  3. Exercise price

  4. Restrictions on disposal

  5. Grant start date (editing this date will not automatically alter any vesting schedules that have been set up on the grant)

  6. Option expiry date

  7. Documents (add or remove)

Click 'Save' to record your changes or 'Cancel' to exit the form without saving.

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