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Can my employees exercise their options using Orchestra?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 7 months ago

Your option holders can use Orchestra to notify company administrators of their intention to exercise their vested options.

Here's how it works.

Orchestra will send company administrators an email with a summary of the number of options that the option holder is planning to exercise.

Here's how to exercise the vested options and issue shares in your share register:

Can I turn off employee exercising from Orchestra?

Some companies may limit the exercising of options by employees, perhaps to a liquidity event, or to an option exercising window. You can toggle off the 'Exercise options' button for your employees from the option pool settings.

From your left side menu select 'ESOP & Options'. Click the 'Settings' button on the pool, then 'Edit Pool'. Toggle 'Enable exercise requests' to off and click 'Update'. If you are running more than one option pool you will need to adjust each pool individually.

'Enable exercise requests' is defaulted to on, but can be toggled off and on again as required.

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