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How do I download a list of my share transactions?
Alison Perkins avatar
Written by Alison Perkins
Updated over 6 months ago

To download your transaction history for any shareholdings you have listed on Orchestra, please log in to your account.

The overview page shows your investment entities. Click on the investment entity you'd like to get a transaction history for.

Choose the company your investment entity has shareholdings in to access your Dashboard.

From your Dashboard click on 'Shareholdings' from your left side menu.

Scroll down and click on the 'Export transactions' button. Your transaction history will download as a CSV file which can be opened in spreadsheeting applications such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers etc.


The transaction history includes the date, name of the company, the parties to the transaction (if a transfer), the type of transaction (issue, transfer or cancel), the share class, the share price (if supplied), the number of shares involved in the transaction, and the funding round (if applicable).

Each transaction has a unique ID number if you need to query a particular transaction with the company.

If there are any documents stored on the transaction they can be accessed by clicking on the 'i' icon.

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