How do we sign up for Orka Pay?

Want to integrate a retention tool into your recruitment & staffing strategy? Then get signed up to Orka Pay!

Written by Karan
Updated over a week ago

Orka Pay is all about providing a flexible, safe and fair way for people to access money as and when they need it, creating financial well-being for employees.

Orka Pay is an excellent way to automate advance payment requests from employees, improve retention and strengthen the financial health of employees. And at no cost to you, the employer!

So how do you sign up for Orka Pay?

  1. The best way to determine if Orka Pay is the right solution for your business is by booking a non-committal and free demo with our team.

  2. If you decide that Orka Pay is the right fit for your business, it's time to get launched!

We love making an entrance!

So when we announce our collaboration to your employees, why not also announce it to the world?

Here are some of the steps we take to make sure your company and our partnership get the fanfare it deserves:

1. Orka Pay will provide mailers and comms to send your employees, in addition to the invite to claim their account.

2. You can even order physical assets to display in your headquarters to help employees with Orka Pay and boost uptake!

3. Finally, we want to shout about us working together, so on our agreed launch date, Orka Pay will follow up with a multi-platform launch announcement and will provide the assets for you to do the same.

You can find out more here!

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