Tired of spending time thinking about, planning, managing, and trying to keep your staff engaged throughout sales competitions? No longer do you have to spend your precious time doing these tasks. Now with Edge's ScoreBoard feature, you can do the following all from within your Edge Employer platform:
Create a new sales contest
Select the time frame (i.e. 2 weeks)
Chose the location(s) that are participating
Set the goal (i.e. Generate the most revenue or track the highest average order size per employee)
Select the prize (i.e. $100 to the winner)
Edge will connect to your point of sale automatically, pull this data in and display it in a digestible way, track the progress and top performers, and communicate with your team with timely notifications to keep engagement high throughout the contest.
Sample photo of ScoreBoard below
This feature is only available to a few initial points of sale, if you are interested in leveraging this feature, please reach out to your customer service team member to get set up.
Please click here to view a quick video tutorial on how to set up a competition.