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Placement Type Targeting
Updated over a week ago

Placement type targeting allows you to target inventory based on where the ad placement is located within the content on the website or within an app.

In the Outbrain DSP, you’re able to target specific placement types by navigating to the Inventory tab in ad group settings, and opening the Advanced options breakdown:

The feature enables targeting and excluding specific placement types. Majority of placements are not classified. Unless you want to target a specific placement type, we recommend to have all placement types selected (including Other) to ensure the significant reach.

Available placement types:

  • In-banner: Ads are served within the banner placements on a page.

  • In-article: Ads are served between paragraphs of the publisher’s content.

  • In-feed: Ads are served among other stories on a publisher’s page.

  • Floating: Ads are served similarly to those in-banner, but they stick to scrolling.

  • In-recommendation widget: Ads are served in the recommendation widget placements.

  • Interstitial: Ads served before or between content loads.

  • Incentivized: Interstitial ads that reward the user for their interaction or engagement.

  • Other: Ads without specific placement type classification.

Please note: Incentivized ads are also always interstitial. If you select only the Interstitial option, Incentivized placements will be excluded.

Interstitial and Incentivized targeting on Native campaigns will only function with “Extend Reach” setting enabled, as these placement types are only available for display inventory.

Important: Keep in mind that not all inventory is labeled with a placement type. Because of that, targeting options are not selected (not checked) and that allows Outbrain DSP to target all placement types available, including unknown placements. Default setup is recommended for all campaigns to avoid narrow targeting. Use this feature for specific placement type targeting purpose only.

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