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Outbrain DSP Pixel Helper
Updated over 5 months ago

Outbrain DSP pixel is a snippet of code that allows you to gather valuable information about visitors' actions on your website. It's in the form of JavaScript. The pixel contains code that makes a call to our servers and stores user information in the first-party website cookie. Confirming that the Outbrain DSP pixel is firing on your page is crucial.

Using Outbrain DSP Pixel Helper

Use our own Google Chrome Extension, which is available to check pixels on your website. Find our Pixel Helper in the Chrome web store and add it to your Chrome browser as an extension.

This tool can help you easily check if the pixel has been implemented correctly and firing.

Zemanta Pixel Helper Chrome extension

Alternative Method

Navigate to the web page where the pixel should be placed.

Right-click on an empty space and select Inspect ("Inspect element" if you're using Firefox) from the drop-down menu.

A code should appear on the right.

Find <head> in the code and click on the right-pointing arrow (▸) to expand the code.

Look for <!-- Outbrain DSP Pixel NAME →

Click on the right-pointing arrow (▸) next to <script type=“text/javascript” </script> to expand the Outbrain DSP Pixel and check if the code snippet has been properly/entirely copied from the Outbrain DSP dashboard.

Navigate from the Elements tab to the Network tab.

Reload the page.

In the Filter field, type zemanta, and zcpt.js should appear.

Click on zcpt.js and check the Status Code. A 200 or 302 status code indicates that your pixel has successfully fired.

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