The Conversions section in Outbrain DSP is the only and most important single point for managing rules and conditions under which conversion attributions will apply and count when tracking engagement. Here, you can also find a list of all conversion definitions that apply to your previously implemented image pixels.
Implementing the Outbrain DSP JavaScript Pixel across your websites lets you track almost any desirable user action or event. DSP Pixel will record any visit to your website, but only the conversion definition will filter and attribute those online users who accomplish your desired action and, therefore, convert.
Historically, using image pixels, you would need to implement a new image pixel for every single action you wanted to track. Now, you only need to define a new conversion definition and leave the JavaScript pixel in place.
You can manage your conversion definitions by navigating to the Conversions tab from the Main Menu. There, you can see information on your conversion definitions and take actions, like editing the name and description, viewing the event tag, and/or removing the conversion definition.
Adding New Conversion Definition
You can set up as many conversion definitions as you like. Just follow the steps below.
STEP 1. To set up a new one, click on the + Add new conversion definition.
STEP 2. Start by typing in a conversion definition name of your choice and a clear description (for example, answering the question of what you want to track specifically).
STEP 3. If you manage more accounts, choose one for which the conversion definition will be used, the right measurement service for tracking and recording events on your digital premises, and select one of the events you would like to track. If your desired event is not listed here, select Other.
STEP 4. Next, you want to define a method for triggering the conversion. It can be a rule, an event, or server attribution.
A Rule is a simple condition that triggers a conversion when an online user visits or lands on a specific page. This page can be a campaign landing page, a Thank You page, or anything else. To define a specific page, type in a keyword that is contained in the URL or that the URL starts with.
An Event is another helpful solution for tracking online user actions. It works in a similar way as using the image pixel. You will need to implement an additional code tag in a specific placement on your website that will trigger an action when this section of the website is loaded. This can happen when an online user clicks on the add to cart button when submitting a form or any other custom event. The additional tag code for triggering this condition will pop up after you finish adding this conversion definition.
Conversion definitions created from your previous image pixels work the same way as an event-based method. Image pixels that you have already implemented on your digital premises in the past act like event tag codes.
The Server-to-Server method is a more advanced feature. When triggering the event, Outbrain DSP will send a GET request to your server or a third-party provider (also known as a postback call) and then attribute a specific conversion. Tick the checkbox “Treat all received events as already attributed conversions” if you want to treat all received events as already attributed conversions. In this case, we assume that all events were already attributed to your or third-party site, and you do not want DSP to attribute or drop any.
Read more about server-to-server integrations here.
STEP 5. You also want to choose how Outbrain DSP will process, store, and segment (attribute) data on tracked conversions. You can choose to count only the first conversion (useful for sign-ups, for example) or every conversion (useful for purchases). You also want to be sure to define which ad clicks you would like to be considered for the attribution: the first or the last one. Then, define when Outbrain DSP should record an event.
STEP 6. Click on the Save button to finish adding a conversion definition.